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Citing the CCI LC products

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Citing the ESA CCI Land Cover time-series v2.0.7 (1992 - 2015)

We invite you to cite the ESA CCI Land Cover time-series v2.0.7 (1992 - 2015) in this way for the time being:

ESA. Land Cover CCI Product User Guide Version 2. Tech. Rep. (2017). Available at:

Citing the ESA CCI Water Bodies Map v4.0

Lamarche, C., Santoro, M., Bontemps, S., d’Andrimont, R., Radoux, J., Giustarini, L., Brockmann, C., Wevers, J., Defourny, P. and Arino, O., 2017. Compilation and validation of SAR and optical data products for a complete and global map of inland/ocean water tailored to the climate modeling community. Remote Sensing9(1), p.36.

Uncertainty in plant functional type distributions and its impact on land surface models

Hartley, A.J., MacBean, N., Georgievski, G. and Bontemps, S., 2017. Uncertainty in plant functional type distributions and its impact on land surface models. Remote Sensing of Environment203, pp.71-89.

CCI Land Cover products

  Land cover maps Land cover maps Land cover maps